Comments on: Marvel’s ‘The Avengers’ is Earnest Superhero Fun Movie Reviews That Rock Tue, 08 May 2012 13:18:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Melin Sun, 06 May 2012 00:39:10 +0000 In reply to redneck.

I’ll have to see it again, but ‘Spider-Man 2’ really is the high-water mark, I think, for superhero films so far. I think it ‘controlled’ is a good word for it, too. Thematically, its definitely more sound–and more personal. But I’ll be damned if Whedon didn’t include great personal touches here (the scene with Hawkeye and BW, Stark trying to call Pepper, etc).

The maturity of Stark by the end of the movie make me wonder where he’ll go from here….great point!

By: Eric Melin Sun, 06 May 2012 00:36:22 +0000 In reply to Hai.

It does have a lot in common with Abrams’ ‘Star Trek,’ you’re right–great call! It’s total mainstream entertainment with a winking sense of humor and it knows how to create memorable moments with familiar characters.

Certainly the ending was one big war scene, and I think it forced the characters to use their wits and brawn to the best of their ability, which was a really smart move. A lot of the Marvel films up to this point have kind of fallen apart a little at the end, but this movie was one big buildup with a satisfying climax.

By: redneck Sat, 05 May 2012 05:47:41 +0000 I still prefer spider-man 2 is a more controlled film. But i loved the avengers beacuse it was so hard to make it right and Whedon did it.
Now i was thinking that we dont need an iron man 3, tony arc is complete now he has mature. They are another characters to develop first we can wait to have iron man in another avengers film thoug but not leading another one. I am afraid that the audience will be tired of tony and he is a great character

By: Hai Wed, 02 May 2012 17:20:50 +0000 I’m surprised no one’s brought this up yet, but this film feels a lot like Star Trek (2009) in terms of pacing, how they introduce characters, the sense of urgency, etc. Hell, even the title card sequence looks similar and has the same emotional impact. This is a good thing if you ask me.

I don’t think it felt too formula at all. Sure it had some typical superhero movie tropes (bad guy ruling the world). But I feel that this is structured like a war movie, rather than a typical superhero movie.

Also, I love how the film used different takes than what is shown on the trailers. This makes the movie feel fresh for people who’ve practically memorized the trailer, like me.
